Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Boy, I dropped the ball on this one eh?

All I can offer as excuse is "Life Happened!"

So this year I resolve to write more often.
I even checked out of my forum for SO's for a while...That has been renewed as well.

What happened this year: My TS just was not "getting it" We had a huge meltdown in October,
separated for a while. She met some adversity of her own..which caused the light to go on for her. I found
a great new therapist and that has done wonders for me.

We got a good couples therapist, and are doing much better. She wanted to be the only one coming out
she wanted the relationship to stay the way it was: comfortable. Things between us had to change. They don't
necessarily involve me leaving or her leaving...but they had to evolve.

And the evolved relationship is very nice.

Happy New Year to All!


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