Tuesday, January 24, 2006

First Post


This is a blog intended for the friends and SO's of transitioning individuals. I've found out that there are few real positive resources for this purpose, and this is a test run toward future possibilities. TS's are welcome to post here too. This blog is a tool for us to build support ties with our loved ones as they walk through what is probably the best and at the same time the worst time of their lives.

Several very close friends of mine are currently transitioning. This has been joyful and horrifying as my whole perception of them is being forced to change. Sometimes I'm angry because its out of my hands and I feel controlled and manipulated.

Sometimes I'm happy and proud to be on the journey with them. This is a Twilight Zone of emotions but I can't imagine being anywhere else.

Please feel free to post your thoughts, concerns, comments or challenges. This is a Moderated blog, so if you get too nasty I'll pull the comments.


1 comment:

Amber Rhea said...

Hi PennyPengo! This is Amber from SOtS Forum. So glad to see your blog! I will definitely link to it from the SOtS Resources page. And also - what a coincidence that we both love penguins! ;)